Incredible New Edmonton Condo Developments
Edmonton Motors Condos on SE corner of Jasper Ave and 115 Street The skyline continues to evolve with the addition of three exceptional new Edmonton condo developments that are either in the works or recently completed. From the historical transformation of Edmonton Motors Condos to the sleek lines of Upper Vista, these residential structures offer more than just pretty views. They offer up a truly unique lifestyle with luxury amenities and connections to the heart of the city. Let's explore what these stunning Edmonton condos have in store. Edmonton Motors Condos Located on the former site of the Edmonton Motors dealership on the SE corner of Jasper Ave and 115 Street, the Edmonton Motors condo project will bring a mix of new residential and retail opportunities to this historic location. Taking over the spot where the Edmonton Motors dealership existed for nearly 70 years will be two towers with approximately 825 residential units. The tower facing 115 Street will be 35 storeys t...